My bonny lass she smileth

My bonny lass she smileth is a famous English madrigal, written by Thomas Morley and published in 1595. It is based on an Italian madrigal, published by Gastoldi in 1591 (see ref 1 and supporting recording). The ChoralWiki gives the following words for the two opening verses.

My bonny lass she smileth,
when she my heart beguileth.
Fa la la la...
Smile less, dear love, therefore,
and you shall love me more.
Fa la la la...

The song was parodied by Peter Schickele ( (writing as PDQ Bach) as:

My bonny lass she smelleth
Making the flowers jealouth.
Fa la la la...


Phillip Ledger (ed) The Oxford Book of English Madrigals (1978) Oxford University Press, and co-issued recording, by Pro Cantione Antiqua